The Best Project Of Your Life: 5 Tips to work on yourself


‘Trin-tr1innn- trinnn,’ there goes the second snooze of your alarm. The promise you made with yourself of waking up early in the morning and getting the things done got failed. Now, you run at the speed of Bugatti, finishing the household works, trying to reach your office on time.

Traffic jammed. Everyone blow the horns all together. Life is like that tornado. You are annoyed. People are going mad on each other. After a few minutes, traffic police comes and open the jam. You start your engine towards your office. No sooner you reach the workplace your boss will be waiting with a lot of files to drop on your head. You’re frustrated. Blood pressure is high. You’ve to complete all the files by today. You sit on the chair and immediately start working upon it. You had already missed the breakfast and now you’ve to miss the lunch. If you won’t, you’ve to spend extra hours in the office. You make appoint to skip you lunch. Without blinking, you’re working and somehow, you manage to finish it. Finally, you reach your home exhausted, upset, not in the mood to talk to anyone.

Hhuuff…that was not an easy day, right?

Even most people don’t notice where their life went. We never realize that we are working for ourself, but for our boss, family and kids. Well, I would not say that it’s not good to work for money and success but the success you’ll get is half-hearted that will only spread unhappiness all around.

Why to live so lethargically? Why to run that rat race daily? Why to postpone the living? Why not breathe and breathe and breathe. Most of us even don’t know how to breathe properly. What are we waiting for? A new birth?

My Story- My Inspiration

Two years ago, I come to know about my problem of asthma. It was genetic and I avoid doing anything about it. Later in life, in 2014, I got an acute asthma attack. I was terribly sick. It was the life changing moment when something inside me slapped me and shouted, ‘Wake up! Start working on yourself. Live your life according to your choices and not circumstances.’

Since then, the best project I ever did is working on myself. I came up with thedisease. I was the laziest person and procrastinator on earth, but I changed my circumstances and became better than before. Now I can say I’m living a healthy and happy life.

As a wise saying goes, ‘It’s not how good you are, it’s how good you want to be.’

Below are the areas that I developed which helped me to live my best self.

Public speaking — one of the biggest challenge.

 Observer — the art of taking quick and calculative decisions and risks.

 Time management — the number one habit towards success in life.

 Attractive — not only by looks but also in personality.

 Fitness — not only physically but mentally. I’m still working on it as it’s

something that is necessary to create big in life.

 Controlled my anger which was my worst enemy.

While reading you might feel like a ready engine who is ready to go miles but don’t let that roar of your engine cool down once you are done with this article. After reading the post, do the best project of your life.

Here We Go:                                        1                                                   

1. Early to bed, early to rise make a person healthy, wealthy and wise:

We all recited this poem when we were in kindergarten. This actually has meaning behind it. The people who wake up early in the morning are productive, energetic and above all enjoy the gift of nature. I encourage you to rise with the sun and start your day brilliantly. Sleep not more than 6-7 hours. Wake up soon and do the best project of your life. It will take time; you will feel tired initially but don’t give up! C’mon it’s for you best project and better days.

2. Place for silence:

Yes, you read it right. I am talking about silence. Everyday, we tend to forget that our body and mind needs to cool down. Everything needs to be chill for a while. Body works like machine and if over exerted it gets destroyed.

Set a place for yourself. It could be a garden, a room or the temple nearby and spend about thirty minutes. Fix the time so that everyday when you start going there it feels that the place was already waiting for you.

3. Stop watching television :

Finding out what the hero did to save her heroine and what the villain is going to get something out of trickery will not help you to find the purpose behind your birth. Television is not taking us anywhere in life. Instead, start doing something creative. You can do reading and writing. Cooking also enhances the mind and is a stress buster.

For an hour or two keep your mobile phone away and spend time with your kids, play with them or talk to you wife and parents. It can strengthen your relationships.

4. Book a day or an hour for your passion

When you were a child was that the paint brush that gave glitters in your eyes or that keyboard the sound of which made you smile or that dance class that made your nerves active and you danced as if there is no tomorrow. Remember? Good then today itself take a pen and your dairy write that passion on a paper a day or an hour of the day you going to pursue it and make it a habit. Fix it for every Sunday or any day you feel like. Just go for it and see the change in you.

Before Leaving

Fix a time for your activities because practicing something daily on the same time becomes a ritual. Stay strong with your decisions and make yourself accountable for it. It takes 21 days to form a habit. Stick with your new activities for 21 days.

Always remember “You sow a thought, you reap an action. Reap an action, you sow a habit.Sow a habit, you reap a character. Sow a character, you reap your destiny”

Practice yourself in little things, and thence proceed to greater- Epictetus

All the best

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